The Red Folder

Wave of Support and Student Resources and Support Services are committed to helping all Tulane students successfully navigate issues that arise during their time here. The Red Folder initiative is a guide to help faculty, staff, and other community members who interact with students to recognize, respond effectively to, and refer distressed students to the appropriate resources at Tulane University. Being aware of distress signals, ways to intervene, and available resources will help you respond effectively to an individual who needs help. Take the signs seriously, especially if they are uncharacteristic of the person.
Bookmark this page so you always have resources at your fingertips. You can also request physical copies of the Red Folder or a presentation by Wave of Support staff for yourself or your department.
Request a Folder or Presentation
Please email with any questions, corrections, or comments.
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Report a Concern
If you have a concern about yourself or any other member of our Tulane community, you can complete a concern report. You may provide your contact information or submit anonymously. Select the link below to submit.
Important Note: This submission system is designed to solicit the concerns of members of the Tulane Community, and all reports will be appropriately addressed. It is not designed to address imminent emergencies. If you have an emergency to report, please call Tulane University Police at (504) 865-5911 (Uptown), or (504) 988-5555 (Downtown) or 911.
Recognize Warning Signs
Many times you will not see any obvious signs of distress because we tend to keep our vulnerabilities to ourselves until we know we can trust one another. Check in with and get to know students whenever you can to help build that trust. Try to create an ongoing sense of welcome and belonging. Ultimately, students want to know you care about them. Sometimes you will be able to sense that a student is struggling.
- Increased or significant lateness or absences
- Lack of or change in class participation
- Missed appointments
- Missed, late, or incomplete assignments
- Multiple requests for extensions
- Disorganized presentation of information
- Inappropriate or concerning content in assignments or presentations
- Noticeable change in weight
- Dilated/constricted pupils
- Uncharacteristic absence of facial expression
- Shaking, trembling, shivering when it’s not cold
- Poor grooming, hygiene, soiled clothing, body odor
- Sweaty or flushed without exertion
- Smelling of alcohol
- Excessive fatigue, low energy
- Bruises, cuts, or other injuries
- Physical or verbal outbursts
- Lack of social interaction
- Agitation/restlessness
- Difficulty concentrating
- Avoiding eye contact
- Aggressive or irritable
- Marked shift in mood
- Impulsivity or risky behaviors
- Excessive sleepiness
- Feelings of worthlessness, humiliation, despair
- Tearfulness out of context
- Antagonistic towards others, unprovoked
- Statements about death, dying, suicide, homicide
- Physical violence or threats of violence
- Sexual assault, stalking, or harassment
- Intoxicated or under the influence
- Threatening communication
Once you have recognized that a student may need additional support, there are a variety of ways to respond. If possible, take a few moments to make a plan and remind yourself of what resources are available. And remember - you're not alone in this! You are part of a large community who seeks to care for our students and each other every day.
Talk with the student in private when both of you have the time and are not rushed or preoccupied.
Broach the conversation in a caring and supportive way and convey empathy.
Be direct and specific. Express your concerns in a non-threatening and non-judgmental way.
"I’ve missed you in class lately. What’s been going on?"
"You have seemed down or sad the last few classes. Is there anything you want to talk about?"
Listen in a sensitive and understanding way. Do not minimize the problem or try to solve it quickly with advice.
Be present and patient. Let the student express emotion as often it has been bottled up.
The student’s situation may be beyond what you can address, but your support is still crucial. Sometimes even just being heard can reduce a person’s pain.
Respect the student’s privacy but explain your limits with confidentiality since you are a mandatory reporter.
"I want to hear what you’re going through, but I also want to let you know that as a university employee I am required to report wellness concerns. This just means I would report to my colleagues in Case Management to ensure you have the support you need. If you’re comfortable with that, I would love to hear more about how you’re doing."
Consult with offices such as Case Management and Victim Support Services or Wave of Support if you are unsure where to refer a student.
Complete an online report at
Follow-up with the student afterwards to ensure a care connection was made and reaffirm your support.
"Thank you for telling me about what's been going on. I want to make sure you get connected to the right resources. I'll put you in touch with my colleagues... Let's chat again in a week or two after you meet with them."
A Note on Confidentiality
Tulane recognizes that students may want to speak confidentially at times. Tulane University students have several options to seek support and/or report an incident or concern. These options fall into three categories: confidential, private, and anonymous.
- Confidential: These resources are strictly confidential. Except in rare, extreme circumstances, nothing will be shared without the student's explicit permission. Exceptions to strict confidentiality are when the provider believes you are a threat to yourself or others. We encourage all victims and survivors to seek counseling to help process their experience, options, and to begin the recovery process.
- Private: These conversations are kept as private as possible, but information must be shared with key staff members so that the university can offer resources and accommodations and take action if necessary for reasons of safety. In planning any resource, the wishes of the person are given full consideration.
- Anonymous: Anonymous crime reporting is NOT for emergency situations. Anonymous reporting is an option if you are afraid of being identified as the complainant. However, you should realize that anonymous reports may not receive immediate attention and must include sufficient details where the appropriate officials are able to conduct an investigation if determined to be warranted.
Campus Health: 504-865-5255
The Counseling Center: 504-314-2277
The Line: 504-264-6074
24/7 Crisis Support Line
Sexual Aggression Peer Hotline and Education (SAPHE): 504-654-9543
24/7 peer run hotline, operates during fall and spring semesters
Case Management and Victim Support Services (CMVSS): 504-314-2160
All In at Tulane (Title IX Coordinator)
Student Affairs Professional On Call (SAPOC): 504-920-9900
24/7 resource
Tulane University Police Department (TUPD)
- Emergency 504-865-5911
- Non-emergency 504-865-5381
- Emergency 504-988-5555
- Non-emergency 504-988-5531
Office of Institutional Equity (OIE): 504-862-8083
Office of Student Conduct: 504-865-5516
Housing and Residence Life: 504-865-5724
College Advising: 504-865-5798
The Well for Health Promotion: 504-314-7400
Office of Fraternity and Sorority Programs: 504-247-1531
The Line: 504-264-6074
24/7 Crisis Support Line
Sexual Aggression Peer Hotline and Education (SAPHE) 504-654-9543
24/7 peer run hotline, operates during fall and spring semesters
Concerns Report: Online Campus Reporting Form
You may write "Anonymous" for your name with no additional identifying contact information. Please complete the rest of the form in as much detail as possible. Please note this formal is not monitored 24/7. If you need emergency assistance, please contact TUPD (504) 865-5381 or a resource designated for after-hours support.
Crisis Resources
Call 911 for any emergency or live-threatening situation.
During regular business hours, you may seek support by calling (504) 314-2160, walking in to the The Office of Case Management and Victim Support Services located on the Garden Level of the Lavin-Bernick Center Suite G02, or by filing a report online here. You may also call the Tulane University Police Department directly at (504) 865-5911 for emergencies at any time.
Uptown Campus: 1st Floor Diboll Complex (Building 103)
Emergency: (504)865-5911
Non-Emergency: (504)865-5381
Downtown Campus: 1430 Tulane Ave, New Orleans, LA 70112
Emergency: (504)988-5555
Non-Emergency: (504)988-5531
Primate Center Campus: 18703 Three Rivers Road, Covington, LA 70433
Emergency: (985)871-6444 Non-Emergency: (985)871-6411
Family Justice Center: (504)592-4005
24-hour crisis hotline: (504)866-9554
Metro Centers for Community Advocacy: (504)837-5400
Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network (RAINN): 1-800-656-HOPE (4673)
Sexual Trauma Awareness and Response (STAR): (855)435-STAR (7827)
Steve Fund Crisis Text Line: Text STEVE to 741741
Crisis line for young people of color
Trevor Lifeline: 1-800-488-7386
Crisis line for LGBTQ+ people under 25
The Line: (504)264-6074
24-hour suicide crisis support, staffed by clinicians
Student Affairs Professional On Call (SAPOC): (504)920-9900
The Division of Student Affairs provides a 24/7 professional staff on call for urgent situations.
Sexual Aggression Peer Hotline and Education (SAPHE): (504)654-9543
SAPHE is a student organization that operates a 24/7 confidential hotline. The hotline is operated during the fall and spring semesters when classes are in session. The purpose of the hotline is to provide support and information to members of the Tulane community regarding all issues that surround sexual aggression. Sexual aggression occurs in many forms including rape, sexual assault, stalking, dating / intimate partner violence, and sexual harassment.
Non-Crisis Resources
There are many resources on campus that support students in each dimension of their wellness. The resources highlighted below are the most commonly used, but this is not an exhaustive list! Check out the resources for each dimension of wellness on the Wave of Support site and connect with your colleagues to stay up-to-date on specific resources your students may have access to. Have a resource we should add to our lists? Email!
The Counseling Center: (504)314-2277
Uptown: Diboll Complex (Building 103), 1st Floor
Downtown: 127 Elk Place, Room 261
The Health Center for Student Care: (504)865-5255
Uptown: Building 92 (Corner of Newcomb Place and Willow Street)
Downtown: 127 Elk Place, Room 261
The Well for Health Promotion: (504)314-7400
Uptown: Building 92 (Corner of Newcomb Place and Willow Street)
Downtown: 127 Elk Place, Room 261
Tulane Recovery Community: (504)865-5255
2210 Calhoun Street
Nurse Advice & Health Information: (504)862-8121
Concerns Report:
Case Management and Victim Support Services (CMVSS): (504)314-2160
Lavin-Bernick Center, Suite G02
Office of Student Conduct: (504)865-5516
Lavin-Bernick Center, Suite G02
Safety Escorts - Uptown and Downtown: (504)865-5381
Title IX Coordinator: (504)865-5611
Jones Hall, Suite 308
Tulane University Legal Assistance Program (TULAP): (504)865-5515,
Academic Learning and Tutoring Center:
Howard Tilton Memorial Library (Building 60), Suite B01
Center for Academic Equity: (504)314-7571
Richardson Building (Building 5), Suite 102
Goldman Center for Student Accessibility: (504)862-8433
Howard Tilton Memorial Library (Building 60), Suite B25
NTC College Advising: (504)865-5798
Mussafer Hall (Building 9)
Emergency Preparedness and Response:
Office of Institutional Equity: (504)862-8083
Office of International Students and Scholars: (504)865-5208
6901 Willow Street
Carolyn Barber Pierre Center for Intercultural Life: (504)865-5181
Richardson Building (Building 5), Suite 101
Success Coaching: (504)865-5798
Mussafer Hall (Building 9), Third Floor
Your Reporting Obligation
Faculty and staff are in a unique position to demonstrate care and compassion for students in distress. When faced with academic and life challenges, students may feel alone, isolated, and even hopeless. These feelings can easily disrupt academic performance and may lead to dysfunctional coping and other serious consequences.
As a result of your frequent and prolonged contact, you may be the first person to notice someone in distress. As fellow members of the Tulane community, it is important that we act with care and compassion.
We strongly encourage you to report situations in which you believe a student is struggling, has been the victim of a crime, or may need extra support. In some cases, your duty to report may be obligated by law, but more importantly, your report allows us to make sure the student has access to the appropriate resources and support.
How do I report? It’s very easy! Just use the form. This form is routed to the appropriate people in real time.
What do I need to include? The student’s name and as much information as you can about the incident or situation. It is helpful if you include your name so that we can follow-up with you, if necessary.
Will the student know that I filed the report? Typically, yes. It’s helpful, especially in cases where you are concerned about a student, to be able to use specifics. It’s also nice to be able to share that someone cares enough about them to take that step. However, if there are reasons you would like us not to disclose that you reported, please include those in your report.
What happens after I submit a report? Depending upon the nature of your report, someone from the Student Resources and Support Services umbrella will reach out to the student. We will meet with the student to discuss resources and to make sure that they are aware of all of their options. For some students, this may be one meeting, but others may engage with us in an ongoing manner.