Wave of Support


Helping you stay afloat.

Wave of Support is a campus-wide, collaborative program that supports students’ mental and emotional health at Tulane University. The Wave of Support brings together the programs and services of the many existing student support offices on campus with the goal of building a healthier campus by enhancing the holistic experience of our students in the realm of wellbeing.

Wave of Support logo


To care about oneself is a complex way of nourishing the many sides of who you are and how you are. Caring for your own and other’s wellbeing is multifaceted. We are here to help. Your own wellbeing is important, and it is your responsibility to tend to your health with all the ebbs and flows we each experience. We understand that students have a diverse set of needs, experiences, backgrounds, identities, and lenses through which they experience their own wellbeing and are committed to learning how to best serve each individual student in our community.

Wellbeing goes beyond mental and physical health. Learn about the 8 dimensions of your own wellness by reflecting on your own experiences and exploring each dimension linked below:

This image shows the front and back of the Token of Gratitude coin on a blue-green gradient background with text reading Token of Gratitude - who are you grateful for?

Graduating Seniors: Who are you grateful for? Who has supported you? Who has helped you stay afloat? 

You're invited to stop by the Mussafer Hall front desk during business hours and pick up a commemorative coin to give to someone who has supported you during your time at Tulane. Limit one per student, while supplies last.

Let us know who you are giving your Token of Gratitude to, so we can celebrate them, too!

Follow @tulanewaveofsupport on Instagram!